Since Cortico’s founding, we’ve partnered with over 220 organizations to deliver a tech-enhanced conversation approach, empowering them to listen deeply to the voices in their community, make sense of them, and inspire more informed action.
In early 2025, Cortico is selecting student teams from up to 10 U.S. colleges and universities as part of the pilot Cortico on Campus program. With the support of The Rockefeller Foundation, the selected student teams will have the opportunity to connect, share best practices, and exchange ideas.
Together, this inaugural cohort will help develop a pioneering approach to campus conversations that can be adapted to schools nationwide. Over time, and with their input, we can build a new kind of conversation on campus.
Through Cortico on Campus, selected student groups will be funded to:
In addition to building important connections among campus community members, Cortico on Campus may provide an opportunity for campus leadership to hear a constellation of diverse voices that would otherwise not be heard.
Cortico’s Student Leadership Circle
Cortico’s Student Leadership Circle (SLC), is a group of five college students from across the U.S. driven by a commitment to enhance campus conversations. The primary aim of the advisory group is to guide the development of Cortico on Campus, ensuring that our approach resonates with student experiences. They are directly involved in shaping outreach strategies and refining our tools to better serve the needs of student communities.
Listen to a voice medley featuring the SLC discussing the values that brought them to this work
Get in touch
If you are a current college student, administrator, or faculty member interested in working with Cortico, please reach out to or learn about our current request for students proposals.
For general questions, check out our FAQs.