Voice-Powered Outputs

Cortico offers a variety of conversation outputs to help our partners tell the story of their community and provide participants an impactful way to hear and be heard.


Highlights are excerpts of conversations that participants identify as important or worth sharing. When creating a highlight, participants consider the following questions:

  • What parts of this conversation should a person hear to get a sense of what this group talked about?
  • What parts of this conversation could be played in a different conversation to foster understanding of the views and lives of this group?

Listen to this highlight from Newark Opportunity Youth Network (OYN):


Voice medleys capture the essence of a project through curated narratives, showcasing a series audio highlights—such as the one above—that bring central themes to life.

The medley below focuses on experiences young people from OYN have shared for why they are out of school:


We work with partners to build interactive repositories of community voices. Going beyond traditional data outputs like bar graphs and pie charts, portals vividly illustrate the story of the stories, integrating voice-based visualizations that bring data to life.

Visit the Youth Speak for Themselves portal

Explore themes, insights and hear directly from the powerful voices of Newark’s youth.

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Cortico is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization led by a multidisciplinary team of experts in community engagement, technology and non-profit management. We strive to meld two elements not typically found in one space: technological innovation and community-centered advocacy. We'd love to keep you up to date on what we're doing!